Latin Local Features

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Feature Locl in Vollkorn Regular

feature locl {

script latn;
language NLD exclude_dflt;
lookup locl30 {
sub f i j by f_i_j.loclNLD;
sub f iacute j by f_iacute_j.loclNLD;
sub f iacute jacute by f_iacute_j.loclNLD;
sub f ij by f_i_j.loclNLD;
sub f.calt i j by f_i_j.loclNLD;
sub f.calt iacute j by f_iacute_j.loclNLD;
sub f.calt iacute jacute by f_iacute_j.loclNLD;
sub fi j by f_i_j.loclNLD;
sub f_i.liga j by f_i_j.loclNLD;
} locl30;
lookup locl31 {
sub iacute j’ by jacute;
sub Iacute J’ by Jacute;
} locl31;
language AZE exclude_dflt;
sub i by i.loclTRK;
language PLK exclude_dflt;
sub @locl1 by @locl2;
# This is a comment.
# locl1: Cacute Nacute Oacute Sacute Zacute cacute nacute oacute sacute zacute acutecomb
# locl2: Cacute.loclPLK Nacute.loclPLK Oacute.loclPLK Sacute.loclPLK Zacute.loclPLK cacute.loclPLK nacute.loclPLK oacute.loclPLK sacute.loclPLK zacute.loclPLK acutecomb.loclPLK
language TRK exclude_dflt;
sub i by i.loclTRK;
language MOL exclude_dflt;
sub [Scedilla uni0162 scedilla uni0163] by [Scommaaccent uni021A scommaaccent uni021B];
language ROM exclude_dflt;
sub [Scedilla uni0162 scedilla uni0163] by [Scommaaccent uni021A scommaaccent uni021B];
language NSM exclude_dflt;
sub Eng by Eng.loclNSM;
language CAT exclude_dflt;
sub l periodcentered’ l by periodcentered.loclCAT;
sub L periodcentered’ L by;
language TAT exclude_dflt;
sub i by i.loclTRK;
language CRT exclude_dflt;
sub i by i.loclTRK;
language KAZ exclude_dflt;
sub i by i.loclTRK;

} locl;


Feature Locl in Roboto Regular

feature locl {

script latn;
language FRA exclude_dflt;
sub uni2009 by uni2009.fra;
language MOL exclude_dflt;
sub [Scedilla scedilla] by [uni0218 uni0219];
language ROM exclude_dflt;
sub [Scedilla scedilla] by [uni0218 uni0219];
language NAV exclude_dflt;
sub @locl1 by @locl2;
# This is a comment.
# locl1: Aogonek aogonek Eogonek eogonek Aogonek.smcp Eogonek.smcp Oogonek.smcp Oogonek oogonek
# locl2: Aogonek.NAV aogonek.NAV Eogonek.NAV eogonek.NAV Aogonek.smcp.NAV Eogonek.smcp.NAV Oogonek.smcp.NAV Oogonek.NAV oogonek.NAV

} locl;


Language System Tags


Other sources

i18nguy: Internationalization for Turkish: Dotted and Dotless Letter “I”
Typedrawers: What is i.latnTRK
Glyphs: Localize Your Font: Turkish i
Glyphs Forum: Turkish idotaccent problem, lacks Unicode in Glyphs 2.3, should be 0069
GitHub: Why is the `f_f_i_dflt` without a tittle?

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1 thought on “Latin Local Features

  1. An interesting discussion on i.loclTRK at TYPEDRAWERS:

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