This site is dedicated to fonts and their localization. Here you will find different typefaces carefully classified as traditional Cyrillic, Bulgarian Cyrillic, Serbian Cyrillic, Macedonian Cyrillic as well as Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts, Medieval Cyrillic fonts, links to Greek typefaces. Our everyday task is to identify the fonts in their adaptation of the different forms of written languages and to help people to find the right fonts for their projects.
So, please, take a submenu which best suit to your inquiry.

Huertatipografica offers excellent website for visualization and comparing the Greek alphabet in different fonts and in different contexts – look here.

Very interesting review on Romanian diacritic marks for the timeline 1987-2010 year there is in the article of Cristian Kit Paul “How did we end up looking half-illiterate?”. Cristian Paul shows the most common mistakes in Romanian type design, which is a good guide for the type designers.
Some useful links
WAZU JAPAN’s: Gallery of Unicode Fonts