Yanone Kaffeesatz

2 Votes

Font Sampler

(EN) The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. (NL) Op brute wijze ving de schooljuf de quasi-kalme lynx. (CS) Nechť již hříšné saxofony ďáblů rozezvučí síň úděsnými tóny waltzu, tanga a quickstepu. (HU) Jó foxim és don Quijote húszwattos lámpánál ülve egy pár bűvös cipőt készít. (RO) Înjurând pițigăiat, zoofobul comandă vexat whisky și tequila. (RU) Разъяренный чтец эгоистично бьёт пятью жердями шустрого фехтовальщика. (BG) Огньове изгаряха с блуждаещи пламъци любовта човешка на Орфей. (SR) Фијуче ветар у шибљу, леди пасаже и куће иза њих и гунђа у оџацима. (EL) Ταχίστη αλώπηξ βαφής ψημένη γη, δρασκελίζει υπέρ νωθρού κυνός. Type your own text to test the font!

“Yanone Kaffeesatz” was first published in 2004 and is Yanone’s first ever finished typeface. Its Bold is reminiscent of 1920s coffee house typography, while the rather thin fonts bridge the gap to present times. Lacking self confidence and knowledge about the type scene, Yanone decided to publish the family for free under a Creative Commons License. A decision that should turn out one of the best he ever made. It has been downloaded over 100,000 times to date, and you can witness Kaffeesatz use on German fresh-water gyms, Dubai mall promos and New Zealand McDonalds ads. And of course on coffee and foodstuff packaging and café design around the globe.

In 2009 he reworked much of the typeface and it got published in FontShop’s FontFont Library under the new name FF Kava. You can read more about it in an extensive article by Yves Peters on FontFeed.

Design, Publisher, Copyright, License

Design: Yanone, Cyreal


Free License

Download: Yanone Kaffeesatz | Google Drive

Yanone Kaffeesatz font development: GitHub

Yanone Kaffeesatz in Use
WEB: Пловдив чете (BG)
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