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Example for Macedonian Cyrillic Script with StobiSerif Pro font from an official goverment document
Macedonian Cyrillic featrure local
feature locl {
script cyrl;
language MKD exclude_dflt;
sub [uni0433 uni0434 uni043F uni0442] by [uni0433.loclMKD uni0434.loclSRB uni043F.loclSRB uni0442.loclSRB];
} locl;
Macedonian Cyrillic local feature could be prepared in different ways. It depends on whether in the font already has Bulgarian and Serbian Scripts or not. If the font is localised for Bulgarian and Serbian Scripts, the above code could be used. Otherwise the 4 alternate glyphs must be written with the extension .loclMKD. In this case the substitution above will look like this:
sub [uni0433 uni0434 uni043F uni0442] by [uni0433.loclMKD uni0434.loclMKD uni043F.loclMKD uni0442.loclMKD];
Macedonian Cyrillic Regular
There is no need to localisate Macedonian Script in a traditional Cyrillic Regular or Bold fonts. The written practice in Macedonia shows that in Regular and Bold variants is not used substitution of traditional Cyrillic „б“ (uni0431) with altarnate „б“ glyph as it is in Serbian Script. The most important font as a model for Macedonian Script is the font StobiSerif Pro (see the information for this typeface on the Behance page of its author Lasko Dzurovski).
StobiSerif Pro is a part of the project “Macedonian Cyrillic fonts” of the Ministry of information society and administration of the Government of R. Macedonia. The project is consisted of a total of 8 font families, each made of 10 styles. Four font families (StobiSerif , StobiCnSerif , StobiSans and StobiCnSans) are made for the needs of the Government and are not for commercial use. The other 4 families (SkolaSerif, SkolaCnSerif, SkolaSans and SkolaCnSans) are free for download at the Ministry of information society.
As only few applications are able to manage Macedonian localisation in OpenType fonts it is a good idea to double the localisation through Style Set feature in OpenType.
Other sources
Институт „Крсте Мисирков“: Правопис на македонскиот јазик (второ издание)
Krum Kepeski: Makedonska Gramatika
Kent Lew started a discussion on Typedrawers site “Macedonian italic /gje localization” – http://typedrawers.com/discussion/2211/macedonian-italic-gje-localization/p1
“Yes, everything is correctly explained” – answered me Macedonian typographer Lasko Dzurovski to my question in FB for the correctness of this page. Lasko Dzurovski send me also a table for the theme from one of his projects. You could see the table above.
Here it is an interesting discussion on GITHUB about Macedonian localisation in Noto typeface: https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-fonts/issues/794