Different typefaces on the road


Road signs in Italy use a variation of the typeface called Alfabeto normale, or the condensed form of it, called Alfabeto stretto (the latter is the one on the top and the bottom signs in the photo).

Road signs in Italy use a variation of the Transport typeface called Alfabeto normale, or the condensed form of it, called ‘Alfabeto stretto’ (the latter is the one on the top and the bottom signs in the photo).

Albania use the 'Alfabeto normale' typeface (with the narrow variant 'Alfabeto stretto', a heavier version of the British 'Transport' typeface. Albania has recently started using 'Arial Narrow Bold' typeface.

Albania use the ‘Alfabeto normale’ typeface (with the narrow variant ‘Alfabeto stretto’), a heavier version of the British ‘Transport’ typeface. Albania has recently started using ‘Arial Narrow Bold’ typeface.

Austria and Slovakia
Austria and Slovakia use the TERN typeface.

Austria and Slovakia use the TERN typeface.

Belarus, Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine
Belarus, Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine use typefaces based on one specified in a Soviet standard ГОСТ 10807–78. In Belarus, the according standard is СТБ 1140–99. In Ukraine, it is ДСТУ 4100–2002. In Russia, it is ГОСТ Р 52290–2004.

Belarus, Lithuania, Russia and Ukraine use typefaces based on one specified in a Soviet standard ГОСТ 10807–78. In Belarus, the according standard is СТБ 1140–99. In Ukraine, it is ДСТУ 4100–2002. In Russia, it is ГОСТ Р 52290–2004.

Further readings

Alexander Sapozhnikov: Russian Road Sign Font

Bulgaria uses the SNV typeface.

Bulgaria uses the SNV typeface.

Belgium uses the SNV typeface.

Belgium uses the SNV typeface.

Cyprus, Greece
A Scottish sign using the Transport typeface on the Isle of Skye, with placenames given in both Scots Gaelic and English, and distances shown in miles.

A Scottish sign using the Transport typeface on the Isle of Skye, with placenames given in both Scots Gaelic and English, and distances shown in miles.

Example of the use of the Transport typeface in road signs in Portugal.

Example of the use of the Transport typeface in road signs in Portugal.

Irish road signs using dotless i and script a (upper and lower case)

Irish road signs using dotless i and script a (upper and lower case)

Motorway typeface in UK
Motorway typeface is used on United Kingdom motorways

Motorway typeface is used on United Kingdom motorways.

Further readings

Chris Marshall: British road signs fonts
British Roads FAQ: Fonts on signs
K-Type: Motorway

Denmark uses the Dansk Vejtavleskrift typeface. The typeface is derived from the British Transport typeface.

Denmark uses the Dansk Vejtavleskrift typeface. The typeface is derived from the British Transport typeface.
See also: Ralf Herrmann | Traffic Sign Typefaces: Dansk Vejtavleskrift (Denmark)

Estonia and Moldova
Estonia and Moldova

Estonia and Moldova use the Arial Narrow Bold in mixture with Helvetica typeface.


Finland uses a typeface developed in the 1960s by the former national board of roads and waterways.

Further readings

Tiehallinnon selvityksiä: Opastusmerkkien luettavuus
Finnish traffic sign typeface: Information

France uses the Caractères typeface.

France uses the Caractères typeface.

Germany, Czech Republic and Latvia
Germany, Czech Republic and Latvia use the DIN 1451 typeface.

Germany, Czech Republic and Latvia use the DIN 1451 typeface.


Greece used a modified version of the British Transport typeface and, today, uses a modified version of DIN 1451.


Hungary does not use a defined typeface as the letters are defined one-by-one in the national regulation. The typeface resembles the DIN 1451 typeface closely.


Luxembourg uses Arial (Bold), Caractères Italic, DIN 1451, and the SNV typefaces, often inconsistently.

Turkey uses the FHWA typeface.

Turkey uses the FHWA typeface.

Señal S-242a. Preseñalización en autopista o autovía de dos salidas muy próximas hacia cualquier carretera.

Señal S-242a. Preseñalización en autopista o autovía de dos salidas muy próximas hacia cualquier carretera.

Señal S-220. Preseñalización de direcciones hacia una carretera convencional.

Señal S-220. Preseñalización de direcciones hacia una carretera convencional.
Spain uses two typefaces: Autopista (derived from FHWA series E modified) for motorways and Carretera Convencional (also known as CCRIGE or Traffic Type Spain D) for other situations. The typeface Carretera Convencional is derived from the British Transport typeface, and is almost identical to the Italian Alfabeto Normale.

Netherlands use typefaces derived from FHWA typeface: ANWB/RWS Cc (narrow), Dd (medium) and Ee (wide).

Netherlands use typefaces derived from FHWA typeface: ANWB/RWS Cc (narrow), Dd (medium) and Ee (wide).
See also: Ralf Herrmann | Traffic Sign Typefaces: The Netherlands

Norway uses the Trafikkalfabetet typeface.

Norway uses the Trafikkalfabetet typeface.

Poland uses the Drogowskaz typeface.

Poland uses the Drogowskaz typeface.


Sweden uses the Tratex typeface.


Switzerland uses the Frutiger typeface.


Other sources

Henry Petroski: Easy-Reading Road Signs Head to the Offramp
CBRD: British Road Signs and Fonts
Alexander Sapozhnikov: Russian Road Sign Font
Wikimedia: Informational road signs in Albania
Wikiwand: Road signs in Ireland
Wikiwand: Transport (typeface)
Wikiwand: Alfabeto Normale
Wikiwand: Road signs in the United Kingdom
Wikiwand: Traffic sign
Wikiwand: List of public signage typefaces
Wikipedia: Comparison of European road signs
María Ramos: Typeface design in road signs
Michael Smuc, Florian Windhager, Karin Siebenhandl [DUK], Stefan Egger [IIID]: Impaired Visibility Typeface Test
Roads: Fonts
U.S. Department of Transportation: Report on Highway Guide Sign Fonts

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