German Capital Sharp S

2 Votes

German Capital Sharp S
German Capital Letter Sharp S
German Capital Letter Sharp S
Capital Eszett by Christian Thalmann


German Capital ß German Capital ß

Four forms of Antiqua Eszett: 1. ſs, 2. ſs ligature, 3. ſz ligature, 4. Sulzbacher Form

Four forms of Antiqua Eszett:
1. ſs,
2. ſs ligature,
3. ſz ligature,
4. Sulzbacher Form


German ẞ
German ẞ. Source:




The pictures above are based on Wikipedia.

Further Readings

Ralf Herrmann: How to draw a Capital Sharp S
Ralf Herrmann: Capital Sharp S – Germany’s new character
Ralf Herrmann: The Capital Sharp S in now part of the official German orthography
Adam Twardoch: 4 possible skeletons for ẞ
TypeDrawers: Council for German Orthography officially allows use of u+1E9E. Comments
Typefounder: Esszet or ß
Wikipedia: Capital ẞ
Wikipedia: The grapheme ß
Page: Wie viel Sinn macht das Versal-ß?
Graphic Design Stack Exchange: When designing a typeface, how should I design the letter ß?
Christoph Koeberline: The German Capital Letter Eszett
Toma Streltsovae: Ligatures in fonts: Creating eszetts

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1 thought on “German Capital Sharp S

  1. 0
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    I would like to thank you to Plamen Motev (Fontfabric) for his excellent suggestions on the subject.

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