Roman Cyrillic Std

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(EN) The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. (NL) Op brute wijze ving de schooljuf de quasi-kalme lynx. (CS) Nechť již hříšné saxofony ďáblů rozezvučí síň úděsnými tóny waltzu, tanga a quickstepu. (HU) Jó foxim és don Quijote húszwattos lámpánál ülve egy pár bűvös cipőt készít. (RO) Înjurând pițigăiat, zoofobul comandă vexat whisky și tequila. (RU) Разъяренный чтец эгоистично бьёт пятью жердями шустрого фехтовальщика. (BG) Огньове изгаряха с блуждаещи пламъци любовта човешка на Орфей. (SR) Фијуче ветар у шибљу, леди пасаже и куће иза њих и гунђа у оџацима. (EL) Ταχίστη αλώπηξ βαφής ψημένη γη, δρασκελίζει υπέρ νωθρού κυνός. Type your own text to test the font!
Text Samples
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ѿ сѡфро́нїа.

Матѳе́й, и҆́же и҆ леѵі́й, а҆пⷭ҇лъ ѿ мытаре́й, во і҆ꙋде́и пе́рвый вѣ́ровавшихъ ра́ди ѿ ѡ҆брѣ́занїѧ, є҆ѵⷢ҇лїе хрⷭ҇то́во писмены̀ и҆ глаго́лы є҆вре́йскими сочинѝ, невѣ́домомꙋ по си́хъ во є҆́ллинское сїѐ прело́жшꙋ: є҆вре́йское же да́же до дне́сь є҆́сть въ книгохрани́тельницѣ кесарі́йской, ѿ памфі́ла мꙋ́ченика тща́тельнѡ ᲂу҆стро́ившейсѧ. Мнѣ́ же ѿ назѡре́ѡвъ, въ вері́и сѷрі́йстѣй сїѐ ᲂу҆потреби́вшихъ, во́лѧ подаде́сѧ сегѡ̀ преписа́нїѧ: и҆́мже є҆́сть и҆звѣ́стно вѣ́дати, ꙗ҆́кѡ и҆дѣ́же бы є҆ѵⷢ҇лі́стъ и҆лѝ ѿ лица̀ своегѡ̀, и҆лѝ ѿ лица̀ гдⷭ҇а на́шегѡ і҆и҃са хрⷭ҇та̀ и҆ сп҃са, свидѣ́тєльства ᲂу҆потреби́лъ дре́внихъ писа́нїй, не послѣ́довати во́ли седми́десѧтъ толко́вникѡвъ, но є҆вре́йской: ѿ ни́хже два̀ сꙋ́ть ѻ҆́на: И҆з̾ є҆гѵ́пта воззва́хъ сн҃а моего̀: и҆, Ꙗ҆́кѡ назѡре́й нарече́тсѧ. (л. а҃ ѡ҆б.)


“RomanCyrillic Std” is a Unicode 8.0 font for Macintoshes running OS X and Windows PCs – one file, all platforms. Free Downloads for Philologists and Linguists from Slavic Philology, Romance Philology, English Studies, Classical Philology, Phonetics, General Linguistics, Germanic Philology, Medievalists, Near East and Asian Studies, Africanists etc. “RomanCyrillic Std” has more than 4.400 characters.

The font is free for academic use by students and scholars. It is not in the public domain. All rights to the font are reserved by the author. Commercial use of the fonts is not allowed. The fonts may not be mirrored on other sites and may not be included in font archives, CDs, DVDs etc. For commercial use, a special licensed version as well as an OpenType .otf version of the same fonts are available from the author. By downloading the font, you agree to the above licensing terms.

Design, Publisher, Copyright, License

Copyright 2008 by Dr. Sebastian Kempgen

License: Free for ACADEMIC use. The font is not in the public domain. No commercial use is allowed. Commercial version available from

Sebastian Kempgen

Sebastian Kempgen

German Slavicist Sebastian Kempgen was born in Duisburg in 1952 and works as a Professor of Slavic Linguistics at the University of Bamberg. He was always interested in historical alphabets and orthography and began to design Cyrillic and Latin fonts in the mid-1980s.

Free for Academic Use License

Download v.4.000: Roman Cyrillic Std | Google Drive

  Vector reconstruction of Glagolitic Letters, Cyrillic Letters and Ornaments
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