Minion is a contemporary type family created by Robert Slimbach and released by Adobe Originals. Since its earliest release, Minion has proven to be a versatile typeface for text and display, used widely in books and in editorial design where readability and elegance are necessities.
With Minion 3, Slimbach had the opportunity to re-examine the Minion family and to extend it further, nearly doubling the number of Latin glyphs to cover African languages and Vietnamese, as well as full IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Slimbach has also extensively refined the Cyrillic and Greek scripts, and introduced Armenian script in addition.
Minion 3 is available in four weights and four optical sizes, each with corresponding italics. Visit for a detailed exploration of the design history and technical considerations for this latest expansion on one of Adobe’s most beloved type families.
Design, Publisher, Copyright, License
Design: Robert Slimbach
Publisher: Adobe
Copyright 1990-2018 by Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Robert Slimbach
Robert Slimbach is Principal Type Designer at Adobe, Inc., where he has worked since 1987. He has won many awards for his digital typeface designs, including the rarely awarded Prix Charles Peignot from the Association Typographique Internationale, the SoTA Typography Award, and repeated TDC2 awards from the Type Directors Club. His typefaces are among those most commonly used in books.
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