This site is dedicated to fonts and their localization. Its main concern is the versatility of the Cyrillic Script forms. Here you will find different typefaces carefully classified as traditional Cyrillic, Bulgarian Cyrillic, Serbian Cyrillic, Macedonian Cyrillic as well as Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts, Medieval Cyrillic fonts, links to Greek and Arabic typefaces. Our everyday task is to identify the fonts in their adaptation of the different forms of written languages.
On the site you will find also free fonts and commercial fonts. We do not contrast free and commercial fonts. They both have its place in the designer’s projects. But we never will offer you commercial fonts for free or free fonts as a commercial one. We respect authorship and do our best to show it.
We work in the benefit of every designer but our site is not a commercial one. So we hope that you will help us to make it better through your feedback, through your suggestions for improvements or by donation.
Stefan Peev