Cyrillic letter VE

$ 12.00

Ohrid Apostle


Description: Cyrillic letter VE (Ohrid Apostle – 12-13th century). Digital reconstruction. The product package contains files in SVG, EPS and PDF format.

Published: 01/06/2019
Publisher: Context Ltd
Graphic Design: Stefan Peev
Copyright: © 2019 by Stefan Peev, Context Ltd. All rights reserved.
Files: 8
File Format: SVG, EPS, PDF


The Ohrid Apostle is a medieval book from the Ohrid Literary School. There are 112 parchment leaves. It is written in Cyrillic, with short glagolitic texts on some pages, by a chief scribe and several of his assistants. The Ohrid Apostle is a short election Apostle (excerpts from the apostolic Acts and Messages intended for reading during the liturgy). At the end there is a church calendar (moon) with the Slavonic names of the months. The manuscript is dated in 12-13th century.
The vector reconstruction of Cyrillic letter VE could be of use for graphic designers and publishers as well as to people interested in the medieval history of arts.