Brioni Sans is an elegant, humanist sans serif typeface suitable for both body and display text. It has been designed to complement Brioni, a serif typeface, but obviously it works well with other typefaces, or even on its own.
Brioni Sans was designed by Nikola Djurek in 2010. In 2013, Alexander Tarbeev designed the Cyrillic and Greek versions.
Design, Publisher, Copyright, License
Design: Nikola Djurek, Alexander Tarbeev
Publisher: Typotheque
Copyright 2010-2013 by Typotheque. All rights reserved.
Nikola Djurek
Nikola Djurek was born in Croatia, studied in Croatia, Italy and finally in The Netherlands at postgraduate master course Type and Media at Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, he earned his PhD degree in the graphic and type-design field. Nikola is a partner at Typotheque, and teaches at Art Academy – DVK, University of Split and University of Zagreb, Faculty of Design.
Typefaces: Marlene, Brioni Pro, Brioni Sans Pro, Brioni Text Pro, Thema, Karloff Positive, Greta Display Pro, October
More… Typotheque | Nikola Djurek
Alexander Tarbeev
Alexander Tarbeev (b. 1956) is a Russian type designer, author of Cyrillic versions of ITC typefaces like ITC Garamond, ITC Benguiat Gothic, Friz Quadrata and other Cyrillic typefaces. Tarbeev teaches in the Faculty of Graphic Design at the Moscow State University of Printing Arts. He runs TFaces design studio.
Typefaces: Brioni Pro, Brioni Sans Pro, Brioni Text Pro, Pollock, Graffiti, Compact, Star, Fix Sys, Crash, Tauern, Drunk, Wind, Xenia, Gauge Text Pro, Jakob
More… TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION | Alexander Tarbeev
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