(EN) The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. (NL) Op brute wijze ving de schooljuf de quasi-kalme lynx. (CS) Nechť již hříšné saxofony ďáblů rozezvučí síň úděsnými tóny waltzu, tanga a quickstepu. (HU) Jó foxim és don Quijote húszwattos lámpánál ülve egy pár bűvös cipőt készít. (RO) Înjurând pițigăiat, zoofobul comandă vexat whisky și tequila. (RU) Разъяренный чтец эгоистично бьёт пятью жердями шустрого фехтовальщика. (BG) Огньове изгаряха с блуждаещи пламъци любовта човешка на Орфей. (SR) Фијуче ветар у шибљу, леди пасаже и куће иза њих и гунђа у оџацима. (EL) Ταχίστη αλώπηξ βαφής ψημένη γη, δρασκελίζει υπέρ νωθρού κυνός. Type your own text to test the font!
The Listopad font project is based on Open Sans font project, which is issued under SIL Open Font License.
Design, Publisher, Copyright, License
Project manager: Stefan Peev
Publisher: Context Ltd.
Copyright 2024 by the Listopad project authors. All rights reserved.
Stefan Peev is a philologist, graphic designer and publisher in Bulgaria. He is the creator of fonts with a free license, which incorporates the Bulgarian form of Cyrillic. He is active in the field of historical typography. He prepares for the publication of several Old Bulgarian fonts, as well as digital replicas of the civic font, approved by the reform of Peter I in Russia in 1708-1710, as well as the handwriting of Vasil Levski and other historical figures.
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