Karloff explores the idea of irreconcilable differences, how two extremes could be combined into a coherent whole. At the start we looked at the high-contrast Didone typefaces which are considered by many as some of the most beautiful in existence, and the eccentric ‘Italian’, reversed-contrast typeface was designed to deliberately attract readers’ attention by defying their expectations. No other style in the history of typography has provoked such negative reactions as the Italian.
Design, Publisher, Copyright, License
Design: Peter Biľak, Pieter van Rosmalen, Nikola Djurek, Maria Doreuli (Cyrillic and Greek)
Publisher: Typotheque
Copyright 2012-2013 by Typotheque. All rights reserved.
Peter Biľak
Peter Biľak works in the field of editorial, graphic, and type design. In 1999 he started Typotheque type foundry, in 2000, together with Stuart Bailey he co-founded art & design journal Dot Dot Dot, in 2012 he started Works That Work, a magazine of unexpected creativity, in 2015 together with Andrej Krátky he co-founded, a font rental platform. He collaborates with the choreographer Lukas Timulak on creation of modern dance performances, and together they started, a foundation for interdisciplinary artistic collaborations. Peter is teaching at the Type & Media, postgraduate course at the Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague. Member of AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale).
Typefaces: Fedra Sans, Fedra Sans Alt Pro, Brioni Text Pro, Lava, Irma Text, Greta Text, Greta Display Pro, Karloff Positive, October, Ping
More… Typotheque
Pieter van Rosmalen
Pieter van Rosmalen (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) studied advertising and graphic design at Sint Lucas in Boxtel and graduated from the postgraduate Type & Media program at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague in 2002.
Typefaces: Karloff Positive, IBM Plex Mono, IBM Plex Serif, IBM Plex Sans Condensed, IBM Plex Sans
More… TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION | Pieter van Rosmalen
Nikola Djurek
Nikola Djurek was born in Croatia, studied in Croatia, Italy and finally in The Netherlands at postgraduate master course Type and Media at Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, he earned his PhD degree in the graphic and type-design field. Nikola is a partner at Typotheque, and teaches at Art Academy – DVK, University of Split and University of Zagreb, Faculty of Design.
Typefaces: Marlene, Brioni Pro, Brioni Sans Pro, Brioni Text Pro, Thema, Karloff Positive, Greta Display Pro, October
More… Typotheque | Nikola Djurek
Maria Doreuli
My name is Maria. I was born in Moscow and I have spent most of my life there. My passion for drawing as well as collecting printed ephemera lead me to study graphic design at the Moscow State University of Printing, which is where I earned a Masters Degree. During my time there I explored different subjects within the art and design field, before discovering that the right place for me was the Type Design Workshop. At the workshop I worked on my graduation project, William Typeface, under the head of Alexander Tarbeev, whose influence encouraged me to pursue my love for letters. As a result William received Letter.2, Granshan and NewCyrillic awards. I was also selected for ‘Young designer of the year’ by Akzia newspaper in 2011.
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