Thema is a functional, highly legible type designed not only for immersive reading but also for eye-catching headlines. Its brisk clarity makes it ideal for setting text at smaller sizes, yet it has an eloquence and finesse that make it subtly distinctive at larger sizes.
Some languages such as Bulgarian, Serbian or Macedonian prefer variant letter shapes to the standard Cyrillic shapes. This feature replaces standard forms with localized ones when the text is tagged Bulgarian, Serbian or Macedonian.
Thema has localised forms for Bulgarian, Serbian and Macedonian.
Design, Publisher, Copyright, License
Design: Nikola Djurek (Typotheque), Ilya Ruderman (CSTM Fonts)
Publisher: Typotheque
Copyright 2017 by Typotheque. All rights reserved.
Specimen: Thema (PDF, 851 KB)
Nikola Djurek
Nikola Djurek was born in Croatia, studied in Croatia, Italy and finally in The Netherlands at postgraduate master course Type and Media at Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, he earned his PhD degree in the graphic and type-design field. Nikola is a partner at Typotheque, and teaches at Art Academy – DVK, University of Split and University of Zagreb, Faculty of Design.
Typefaces: Marlene, Brioni Pro, Brioni Sans Pro, Brioni Text Pro, Thema, Karloff Positive, Greta Display Pro, October
More… Typotheque | Nikola Djurek
Ilya Ruderman
Ilya Ruderman, a type and graphic designer and teacher, lives and works in Moscow. He is a graduate of the Moscow State University of the Printing Arts (2002), where his graduation project was done under the supervision of Alexander Tarbeev. He has a MA degree in type design from the Type & Media program at the Royal Academy of Art in the Hague (2005). After completing the program, he returned to Moscow. Since 2007 he has supervised the curriculum in type and typography at the British Higher School of Art and Design in Moscow. He has been very active as a consultant on Cyrillic since 2008. In 2014 he founded CSTM Fonts with Yury Ostromentsky.
Typefaces: BigCity Grotesque Pro, Austin, Graphik, Marlene, Druk, Druk Text, Druk Text Wide, Druk Wide, Druk Condensed, Thema, Proto Grotesk, Dala Floda, Stag Sans, Stag, Kazimir & Kazimir Text, Navigo, Stratos, Parmigiano Text Pro, Parmigiano Piccolo Pro, Parmigiano Caption Pro, Parmigiano Headline Pro, Giorgio Sans, Lava, Styrene A, Styrene B, Proto Grotesk, Atlas Grotesk, Permian, Moscow Sans, Typonine Sans
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